Personal information on internet

When I was 10 years old, Facebook was just starting to be popular, so I create my first account because my friends had one (and we played pet society...). In the process of creating a new one, the platform asks your personal information as a requirement, and in that time I didn't realize how dangerous could be to give it and also accept the therms (that obviusly I didn't read) because you don't know what will happen to this information and if any other person can use them for other purpose. So when I grew up and started to known other social medias, like instagram (which is my favourite one because I think that the type of the photos speaks a lot about how is each person that I follow and what they like, what they do, etc) I began to be more careful even with my posts because anyone around the world can use them and I will not know; so as a consequence of my fear I don't give my adress, my rut, my mail or even my phone number if is not an important requirement. 😨💀

Take care about your information ❤


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